Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Much Sadder Goodbye

I was scheduled to have a farewell luncheon with my former co-workers this Thursday but the person I wanted to see the most couldn't be there so I had called it off. My former boss, Hugh Gregory, had a heart attack and was in a coma. I was being kept up to date on his condition and very hopeful for a recovery. This morning I got the news that he passed away. My heart is broken for his family. He was a friend and a father figure to me and I will miss him. I sent him an email about 10 days before his heart attack. In his response, the last words he said to me were, "You keep being you". I'll treasure those words.

What I will remember most about Hugh is his adorable relationship with his wife. I worked in the office next to Hugh for a very long time. No matter what kind of day he was having or what kind of mood he was in, his wife could light up his whole day with just a phone call. His voice would change to a tone that I only heard when he talked to his beloved Bonnie. I have to admit that I would stop what I was doing and listen to him because it was just so sweet and compelling. After more than 30 years he still treated her as though he had just met her. I loved that.

I am now waiting for funeral information and hoping that it will take place before we leave on Saturday. I can't believe he's gone. He was so looking forward to retirement. Sadly, that was to be in four months. He died just four months shy of his last day of work. He and I once had a light hearted conversation about what a travesty it would be to work all your life planning for retirement and die just short of it.
 Hugh Gregory, David Wood, Javier Valdez, Me, Liz Trepanier-Bartlett.  Dec. 2008
I will take this unfortunate event and use it to further inspire this journey I blog about.

God bless you, Hugh.  Thanks for everything you never knew you did for me. I should have told you.
Potelco Engineers 2008: Dave, Liz, Michelle, Beth, Hugh, Richard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Connecting with Our Peeps

My, my, my. We haven't had a social calendar like this in, well...ever. We have so many parties, dinners and lunches planned between now and when we leave. So much to look forward to. The excitement of our trip preceded by spending quality time with all of our loved ones.

On one hand I feel grateful for all the plans because it's the impending absence that has inspired my own effort. On the other, I feel guilty for not doing it sooner. Why does it take something so drastic as a move to enlighten us? Probably because we work ourselves to death. Isn't it funny how we go about our lives rushing from here to there executing all the professional and domestic duties with such tenacity that we don't leave time for our own personal relationships? Sure, it's important to get things done and also to relax at home but it's also important to foster our friendships and family connections. I've tried to maintain my own life in addition to the demanding role of wife and mother. It really can swallow a person right up.

I have a grandfather whom I adore. He lives 5 or so miles away. I have met him at the bakery for breakfast a time or two and sang for him at the family reunion but I haven't been to his house in over ten years. I cannot leave this valley without spending some time with him. He is the one who inspired my love of maps and who made me so fascinated with Arizona. He was the first "snowbird" I ever knew. At the age of 12, I vowed to be one myself.

Last weekend I went out with some girlfriends. We had way too much fun. Nuff said. Thanks Kaye, Rhonda and Jodie. It's going to be tough not having Girls Night Out. Maybe Eli will wear heels and listen to Joan Jett with me if I get the GNO blues.

Last night we had a dear friend, Ken, up for dinner. As an extra bonus, he brought his grandson, Keenan, up to play with Jonah. I'm worried about Jonah not having playmates in Arizona. I'm going to make a special effort to stalk a family with boys around his age. It won't be weird at all. Pfff.

Tonight I'm making dinner for a family that is very special to me. I've known the Lowrances for over 20 years. They were my neighbors to start with but have become like family. The littlest one in the family wants lasagna so that's what I'm making. We're all hoping Kylie and Taryn will make it down from Bellingham.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sad Goodbye to our Pooches

Still purging belongings but worst of all, we had to say Goodbye to our pooches last night.

Bella, our King Charles Cavalier Spaniel (Size Extra Large), went to a lovely family. She has a new sister who is a Yorkie. They liked each other immediately. We've had Bella for 2 years. I couldn't help but think of the day I got her. It was a sad farewell but we're confident she will be happier. They're ready to take on her weight issue and they plan to take her to the beach near their home almost every day. If she gets back in shape she will be a beautiful dog again.

A sweet young couple took Vinnie, the silly little lovebug that showed up on our back deck a month ago. I found him early one morning. He was scared to death and freezing. We asked all our neighbors and no one knew where he came from. I posted a "found" ad on Craigslist too. No one claimed him. He was fun, adorable and already loved us so much that he howled when we left the house. Unfortunately we can't take any pets on this journey. Jonah was crushed that his new pal had to go. We convinced him that the old owners finally showed up. Ugh. It's been the toughest thing so far.

Visited with my family in Lynden on Sunday. We have a new baby in the family. Ava Elizabeth was born on Friday to my nephew and his wife. They were pretty exhausted so we didn't get to see her. Hopefully, I can get some newborn snuggles before we leave.

On the way home, we stopped in Bellingham to bring Taryn some Kleenex for her cold. I was conscious of the fact that I won't be able to do such seemingly insignificant things. Suddenly a box of Kleenex for my girl was a huge priority.

We've got a full schedule of lunches, dinners and Happy Hours with friends, family and former co-workers. It's starting to feel pretty surreal.

17 more days....

Friday, March 4, 2011

Purging Excess Baggage

24 days until departure. Our house is becoming adorned with lists. Lists of Things to Sell, Things to do, Things to Purchase and Things to Remember. Todays list includes getting a new charger for our camera, signing for our tax return and shipping off some items sold on Ebay.

Determined to streamline and simplify, I pre-purged the garage, closets, drawers and such over the last few months. Our two daughters moved out and with them went a LOT of stuff. I think the removal of their clothes alone freed up 1000 square feet of space. They also took some furniture and miscellaneous household items. If they had more space I would really unload on them ;o). Taryn was the last to go and when she did, it really set the wheels in motion for this escape of ours.
I'm a regular at Goodwill and the local garbage dump and Craigslist is like our daily bread. Last Thanksgiving I managed to pawn some family keepsakes off on my niece and my sister. Things I don't want to get rid of but cannot possibly lug across the country. Love you Sis and Kenda!

Speaking of Kenda; How's this for a coinkydink. She informed me today that she just returned from Anaheim where she was visiting her husband's family. It seems his uncle has worked at Disneyland for 37 years. You don't say? Hmmm.....We will definitely talk more about this when I see her this weekend. Disneyland is on our itinerary and I was already planning to hit the H.R. department while there.

Eli and I want to spend as much time as possible with friends and loved ones while we're still here. Tonight we're meeting our friends and former bandmates for some quality time at a local pub. Jonah will be spending quality time with his pal, Kalen. A night out! We better enjoy it while we can. There will be no sitters on the quest.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Crash and Turn

An exciting journey begins today. I am ready to take a giant leap of faith and walk away from life as I know it to forge a new path. My husband and I, like so many other couples have been faced with such disastrous circumstances that we are running out of choices. While our family is healthy and remarkably happy, we are facing foreclosure, bankruptcy and ongoing unemployment. It was tough to admit at first but, as the number of similar stories increases, it gets less painful. It really is comforting to know we aren't alone.

I can't tell you how many times I've stared off into space thinking of how and why we ended up here. We were living the so-called American Dream but when the recession hit, it hit hard. We've gone from six figures a year to selling everything we had just to survive. Rental home, cars, motor home, any belongings worth anything. I could go into the details of the last 3 years but I think I'll just start the blog from here instead. Onward and upward. No looking back.

The Plan: After a 2 year attempt at establishing a business of our own that eventually failed and many months of looking for jobs locally, we've decided to move to a new location. Nothing is working for us here anymore. Having spent our entire lives in the rainy northwest, we started aiming our resumes at sunny states like Hawaii, New Mexico, California, Phoenix, Texas and Florida. We jokingly say "If we're going to be poor, let's be poor where it's sunny". Phoenix turns out to be the most likely place for us because the cost of living is lower than the other choices and the number of jobs posted on Craigslist and in the local papers is abundant. The results have been disappointing but staying here isn't helping our situation either. Perhaps the address at the top of our resumes is a deterrent. I'm far more confident in our person to person communication skills than I am of our impressive yet sterile qualifications. The hope is that, if we can get some face time and inquire about positions in-person, we may have better luck.

After 3 years of crashing we still haven't burned. Instead we're going to turn this corner and drive. We've all heard the saying "When one door closes, another one opens". I believe that. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and we are always right where we are supposed to be.

With the last amount of cash we have and our 5 year old son in the back seat, we have mapped out a "budget quest". I will post the itinerary soon. Out of necessity, I've become a champion budget miser. I have a 45 day itinerary set with a budget of $4000.00. It's impressive if I do say so myself.

I will blog the entire quest. I hope it may inspire someone else.
We leave at the end of this month.