An exciting journey begins today. I am ready to take a giant leap of faith and walk away from life as I know it to forge a new path. My husband and I, like so many other couples have been faced with such disastrous circumstances that we are running out of choices. While our family is healthy and remarkably happy, we are facing foreclosure, bankruptcy and ongoing unemployment. It was tough to admit at first but, as the number of similar stories increases, it gets less painful. It really is comforting to know we aren't alone.
I can't tell you how many times I've stared off into space thinking of how and why we ended up here. We were living the so-called American Dream but when the recession hit, it hit hard. We've gone from six figures a year to selling everything we had just to survive. Rental home, cars, motor home, any belongings worth anything. I could go into the details of the last 3 years but I think I'll just start the blog from here instead. Onward and upward. No looking back.
The Plan: After a 2 year attempt at establishing a business of our own that eventually failed and many months of looking for jobs locally, we've decided to move to a new location. Nothing is working for us here anymore. Having spent our entire lives in the rainy northwest, we started aiming our resumes at sunny states like Hawaii, New Mexico, California, Phoenix, Texas and Florida. We jokingly say "If we're going to be poor, let's be poor where it's sunny". Phoenix turns out to be the most likely place for us because the cost of living is lower than the other choices and the number of jobs posted on Craigslist and in the local papers is abundant. The results have been disappointing but staying here isn't helping our situation either. Perhaps the address at the top of our resumes is a deterrent. I'm far more confident in our person to person communication skills than I am of our impressive yet sterile qualifications. The hope is that, if we can get some face time and inquire about positions in-person, we may have better luck.
After 3 years of crashing we still haven't burned. Instead we're going to turn this corner and drive. We've all heard the saying "When one door closes, another one opens". I believe that. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and we are always right where we are supposed to be.
With the last amount of cash we have and our 5 year old son in the back seat, we have mapped out a "budget quest". I will post the itinerary soon. Out of necessity, I've become a champion budget miser. I have a 45 day itinerary set with a budget of $4000.00. It's impressive if I do say so myself.
I will blog the entire quest. I hope it may inspire someone else.
We leave at the end of this month.
Yay for you. You will land where you are supposed to land. Don't look back. MARCH FORTH.